Eftpos Wipes Pack of 100


$19.95 $15.95 (excl GST)


In light of Covid-19 (Coronavirus), many Eftpos merchants in New Zealand and around the world have highly focused on cleanliness and regular sanitisation to prevent the transmission of this virus.

Sadly, there has been a lot of misconception and confusion of how Eftpos Terminals can be cleaned leading to hundreds and in some case thousands of dollars worth of unwarranted repairs.

Not all cards are CONTACTLESS or PAYWAVE, hence this offering if not a complete simple remedy to cleanliness.

With this Global Pandemic expected to last for years to come until there is a proven vaccination, the emphasis on cleanliness is very very important.

Washing EFTPOS terminals with Soap and Water for 20 seconds is clearly NOT an option.

LIQUID and ELECTRONICS do not work together. Instead it causes expensive unwarranted repairs together with inconvenience of downtime.

It is essential to oblige with the Terminal Manufacturer Cleaning Specification.

EFTPOS WIPES are now available in NEW ZEALAND to simplify this. They are cost effective solution that can be used to clean the external surface of your Eftpos Terminal.



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